Blackjack Jokes and Stories

Upon sitting at the blackjack table, people shouldn’t throw jokes at each other or about the game since others are so serious about the game that they play. A lot of players have their own jokes and stories to tell about certain situations within the table or about their opponents or their favorite players as well. Even if you are playing seriously to win for money, it is not right to stay serious when you can smile and have fun while you are playing the game. Blackjack jokes arise and they are still in existence up to this day and age.

In fact, these jokes make players behave less tense with each other and the entire game becomes more interesting even to newbie players. This article is aimed to open the minds and hearts of the players in knowing the funniest jokes ever exist among gamblers of blackjack game. There are lots of jokes that can be found over the web these days and most of them are not impossible to find and tell if you want a fun and happier ambience within the table.

Tips for Dealer

There is a player who has thirteen at a blackjack table and the dealer argues with him about certain tips:

Player: Why will I leave tips to a dealer if the cards he dealt me with do not really depend on him?

Fellow player: Sir, you do give tips to a waiter in a restaurant right? That’s just ordinary tips you give to someone for their service.

Player: Yeah, sure. But the waiter doesn’t really cook for the food that I eat there so I don’t think I depend on him so I shouldn’t be obliged to give a tip.

Fellow player: Well, he gives us what we want at least right? May I have an eight’s?

Where is My Money?

A man went to Las Vegas together with his friends and he won more than a hundred thousand of dollars. He doesn’t want anyone including his friends to know about his big winning until he decides to come back home taking a plane. He made a hole at his yard and then buried his winning money there. The next day, he saw that the hole is empty and then his money is gone. He thought of the deaf man as a prime suspect for the lost money. He went to a professor who just happened to live nearby the place because this professor knows how to do sign language.

Man: Kindly tell the deaf man to tell me where he placed all my money or I will kill him now!

The professor performs the sign language and tells the deaf man about what the man is implying.

Deaf man: I have hidden all the money under my cherry tree.

The professor says to the man that according to the deaf man, he would just die than telling you where he has placed all the money.

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